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Religious vocation is God’s invitation to all people of faith to serve Him in a special way. In our Congregation, the young women who express the desire to serve God by becoming one of us are led under the direction of a team of formators to help them discern their vocation.

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1. Pre-novitiate (Postulancy)

This is a one year of pre-novitiate during which the candidate will be given the preliminary formation necessary for them to follow faithfully the exercises of the novitiate.

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2. Novitiate

They left everything and followed him” (Lk. 5:11). The novitiate is the beginning of the religious life. Duration of formation is two years, at this period the novice is initiated into the essential and primary requirements of the religious life under the direction of the Directress of Novices. To achieve the purpose of the Novitiate, the Novices receive frequent Spiritual Conferences and instructions in Christian Doctrine, Study of Sacred Scripture, the history of the Church, the Charism and history of the Congregation.

HDR Novitiate

3. Temporary Profession

At the end of the novitiate, a novice is admitted to first profession of vows of poverty, chastity and obedience if she desires to continue and the Congregation finds her suitable. "Temporary vows last for a of six years" (HDR Constitution, p. 67) at the end of which she makes her perpetual vows. During this stage, a Sister becomes a full member of HDR, and shares the rights and responsibilities of the Congregation.

Final Profession

4. Final Profession

At this stage a Sister makes lifelong commitment to live the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, and to dedicate herself to God in the Congregation and the Church in serving the needs of the world.

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